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Museum visting

Museen zeigen wunderbar die Kultur einer Region. Erfahren Sie Wissenswertes über den Bayerischen Wald, seine Bewohner und seine Kultur bei einem Besuch in folgenden Zwieseler Museen:

Waldmuseum/ Kulturzentrum Zwiesel

Enjoy the forest, feel the homeland, experience glass – the departments range from the primeval forest diorama to the local flora and fauna to cultural and urban history as well as glass production. Special rarities are the lovingly handcrafted glassmaking miniature village, the historic pharmacy and the large snuff glass collection. Learn more at


Stormberger Museum

The Stormberger Museum is located directly on the village square of the small mountain village of Rabenstein in the village house, 4 km from Zwiesel. The seer “Stormberger” was an ash burner or bull herder in the area of the former Rabenstein glassworks and predicted the future for the people of the Zwiesel Winkel. In old original manuscripts from the beginning of the 19th century and great graphics you can feel the life of that time.



The lovingly furnished coffee museum is located in the back of the Kirmse coffee roasting plant on Zwiesel’s upper town square. For passionate coffee connoisseurs, the visit is an absolute highlight. You will find a collection of historical unique items from coffee production and preparation, such as an old roasting machine, coffee grinders, advertising signs and much more.



The brewery museum is attached to the 1st Zwiesel Steam Beer Brewery, founded in 1889. It is an experience of a special kind to discover the rooms. Here you will find machines, equipment and accessories from then to now – from the exhibit to currently in use.